

hacking is a kind of art 也许是读了上一本《禅与摩托车维修艺术》之后对这些书产生了 PTSD,起初并没有对这本书有多上心。但是在读完了之后,我发现我的 PTSD 被治


这是一场亲子之间的公路旅行,也是一个对自己的探索。更是一个如何“维修摩托车”的手册吗? 这是一本双线发展的书。在公路旅行的过程中,作者不断与儿

A story of debugging

Introduction We’ve been experiencing an application crash on the QNX platform, which initially seemed like a common occurrence since core dumps happens. However, this issue is different. After the crash, we’re unable to enter engineering mode, making it impossible to use SSH to retrieve the core file. Furthermore, the crash occurs near the application start, leaving no time to enter engineering mode when the system boots up. This page serves to document how I’ve dealt with this issue, which is perhaps my proudest achievement so far at the new company.

Bazel Learning notes

For installation and code sample, plz refer to official documents。 Project Structure Typically, a simple bazel-based project looks like the following file structure. 1 2 3 4 5 6 my_cpp_project/ ├── WORKSPACE ├── BUILD └── src ├── └── BUILD In this project, there are files we need to know: a WORKSPACE file: In this project, if self-contained, we can leave it as blank. We could discuss it in the later future.

complicated geo coordinate systems

Transforming through coordination systems can be confused for some developers like me. But we have to know those commonly used systems and know the bridge between these words. As an autonomous system developer, the commonly used coordination systems are: WGS84, local Cartesian, and ego. Although it is not that important to know the projection theory behind these coordinates, it is good to know how to transform between the coordinations. Conversion from WGS84 to Cartesian We first need to choose a reference point in WGS84 as the cartesian’s origin.

First touch to mamba

From the perceptive of the structure of mamba, this is a discrete selective space machine that runs in linear time using linear space. lets say, matrix A is a state space matrix for the last system status h(t). we then can calculate the next h(t+1) based on the following equation: $$ \begin{equation}h(t) = Ah(t-1) + Bx(t)\end{equation} $$ $$ y = C*h(t) $$ Where B is a weight for input x(t) and C is the weight for output y.